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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Letter From God

There is no need to fight. There is no need to search for that "thing" you are to do. My child I created you for this purpose. I designed you to be you. I infuse your mind with dreams. I send melodies to your heart. I drive the passion into your soul that wakes you up in the morning causing you to pick up the guitar and pick out a tune. I AM what keeps you from never giving up, because to give up would be to leave your calling. You see I made you a song writer. Take it or leave it. That's what you are. There is nothing more that you would rather do and the sooner you take ownership of that fact the sooner you can move into MY WILL. I have a plan. This is the BIG picture. My plan is all there is, and my plan is all there will ever be. Yes, you can be like Jonah and try to outrun me, but let me just save you the energy and say, "Be what I made you". I lovingly and intricately made you for me; for my purpose and desires. I love you and only I, the creator of you, knows what you are made for, and you my child are a songwriter.

I Love you,


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